Top 10 Home Remedies For Bee Stings


Causes & Symptoms

Causes: Sting from any solitary bee family

Symptoms: Localized redness, swelling, inflammation on the bite area, fever-like feeling all over the body. In severe cases, it could develop into hives, vomiting, nausea and dizziness, swollen eyes and lips.

The first step to do in case of sting is to remove the stinger that looks like a black dot in the sting site to reduce the severity before applying home remedies for bee stings to lessen the effect.

Bees inject their acidic venom in the skin causing this reaction, and leave their stinger with its venom sack in the victim’s skin that worsen the pain in the area and may last for up to a week or more.

People with allergies to bees are likely to experience severe and life threatening beesting reaction called anaphylaxis that would result to breathing difficulty, shock or even death. Home remedies for bee stings are used in cases of mild reaction to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain in and around the area of the sting.

The Home remedies for bee stings are used in cases of mild reaction to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain in and around the area of the sting.

Like most insect stings, bee stings creates painful skin inflammation and swelling.

Best 10 Home Remedies For Bee Stings

The first step to do in case of sting is to remove the stinger that looks like a black dot in the sting site to reduce the severity before applying home remedies for bee stings to lessen the effect.

1. Mango Sap


Freshly extracted sap of the mango is helpful in healing the inflammation on the bite site and eases the pain and swelling. It had been traditionally used as antidote in most insect bites because of its effectiveness in stopping the venom from spreading that causes the prolong soreness of the wound.

  • Clean the bite site with soap and water.
  • Take a fresh mango leaf and squeeze the sap immediately on the area to disable the venom.
  • Tie the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.

Mango sap may cause slight skin irritation to people allergic to it. Stop using if irritation occurs.

2. Tea Tree Oil

One of tea tree oil’s many uses for the skin is in neutralizing the acidity of the venom and alleviating the pain of insect bites. It works to soothe the inflammation and helps in reducing the skin’s allergic reaction and speed up the healing as it prevent any possible scarring of the bite in some people making it an indispensable restorative remedy for bee sting.

  • Directly apply 1-2 drops of tea tree oil on the affected area.

Tea tree oil and its products, if used with lavender oil can disrupt the hormonal balance of boys before puberty. It is not recommended for their use.

3. Feverfew


Generally, feverfew flowers are used to repel bees, but this plant is also an effective antiseptic against beestings. It acts by inhibiting the production of histamines, alleviates allergy symptoms and reduces the soreness and pain from the bite.

  • Add 2-3 teaspoons chopped feverfew leaves to a cup of water.
  • Infuse for 15 minutes.
  • Drink the decoction to stupor histamine.
  • For stronger infusion, double the amount of herbs and infuse longer than 15 minutes. This can be used to wash the infected area.

Feverfew should not be used by people allergic to ragweed and related plants. Ingesting feverfew can slow down blood clotting and is not intended for use prior to surgery or people with bleeding problem.

4. Lime and Tamarind

Lime and tamarind are best home remedies for bee stings that defuse the venomand at the same time gives relief from the pain. It works in reducing the acidity of the injected venom and dissolving any stinger that might be left in the wound to hasten the healing.

  • Mix some tamarind with ½ teaspoon of lime juice.
  • Apply directly on the bee sting.

Some plants may cause allergic reaction in some people. Perform a skin patch test on non-affected skin before applying on the sting site.

5. Cat Tail Plant


Not only is this plant an effective expectorant, it can also be applied on skin as remedy for bee stings. When paired with slaked lime, it will sop up the acidity of the bee venom to reduce pain and discomfort and immediate treatment for bee stings.

  • Crush cat tail leaves into fine paste.
  • Add small slaked lime.
  • Apply this mixture in the area. wrap with a bandage.

There is no known information on the side effect of using golden cat tail. Some people may exhibit skin irritation when using this home remedy.

6. Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are powerful combination of home remedies for bee sting that dissolves the stinger and counteract the acidity of the bee venom to alleviate the painful bite. It reduces the swelling and inflammation.

  • Make a paste with baking soda, apple cider vinegar and a little water.
  • Apply on the wound for 30 minutes before rinsing.

These ingredients may irritate the skin. Do not use in excessively and discontinue using if irritation occurs.

7. Wake Robin (Berth Root)


Wake Robin (Berth Root). Wake robin is an anodyne herb that aids in reducing or eliminating pain from area it is applied. It acts like analgesics that ease the throbbing pain caused by the venom and helps in tightening the skin and cure the wounds.

  • Crush wake robin leaves thoroughly.
  • Apply the leaves directly on the affected area.
  • Tie a clean cloth or bandage to hold the leaves in place.
  • Change the poultice after few hours.

There is not enough information regarding the negative effect of Ashoka when applied on skin. Irritation may occur. Pregnant women are discouraged from using as well as people with cardiac problems.

8. Honey and cinnamon

Honey is also useful to counter the bee sting. These ingredients contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property that helps in reduction of the pain and controls the swelling. It is valuable combination that also counters the itching and discomfort while protecting the wound from possible opening.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of water.
  • Add ½ teaspoon cinnamon and apply on the affected area.

Cinnamon can sometimes cause irritation and allergic reactions. Honey is also warned against those allergic to pollens.

9. Ashoka

  • Being the best remedy for wounds and skin allergies, Ashoka is also useful in treatment for bee sting and other insect bites. It helps reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation on the bitten area.
  • Crush the bark to extract the juice.
  • Apply this on the affected area.

Not enough information is known on the contraindications of using Ashoka locally but it may cause irritation and allergy. It should be used with caution in people with heart conditions and amenorrhea.

10. Golden Shower Tree


This tree is beneficial in most skin diseases and inflammation because of its ability to reduce the pain and soreness of any skin conditions including insect bites. It can also reduce the redness and burning sensation and helps in faster healing. Naturally, when bitten by the bee, it gives a general feeling of illness and heat all over the body, and golden shower helps soothe the condition.

  • Crush someroot’s bark and add few drops of water.
  • Put the well grounded bark over the bite site and tie a clean cloth to hold it in place.

There is no known information on the side effect of using golden shower. As some plants may cause allergy, skin irritation may occur.

Most bitter sap of plants is helpful in treatment of bee venom; however, there might be instances that it could irritate the skin. Severe allergy such as when hives and breathing difficulty arise needs immediate medical attention to counter the histamines that the bee sting could initiate.

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